Learn to Lift Weights and Workout on Your Own

Learn to Lift Weights and Workout on Your Own. Personal Training North Vancouver
Personal Trainers, North Vancouver


Times are tough and they’re about to get tougher. You want to stay healthy, but money is tight. Understand this: successful weight training is about correct form, excellent posture, full range of motion, and an adequate amount of weight. What if you could learn that? In a series of lessons, LEONG Orthopaedic Health can teach you to stretch and lift weights — properly, effectively, independently — so you can workout on your own.

LEONG Orthopaedic Health is excited to offer a comprehensive package that, upon graduation, will allow you to safely and successfully workout by yourself, or with a friend.

What’s Included in Learn to Lift Weights?

Learn to Lift Weights and Workout on your own with LEONG Orthopaedic Health
Learn to Lift Weights with Tony and Sylvia Leong
  • Ten personal-training sessions teaching you to lift weights and stretch. Afterwards, you’ll continue your comprehensive personalized program on your own. (All muscle groups are included.)
  • A copy of your personalized workout. Each strengthening and stretching exercise will include detailed instructions in case you forget.
  • A copy of your personalized daily stretch routine with detailed instructions, including rehabilitation exercises where needed.
  • A personalized cardiovascular/movement schedule.
  • A personalized nutritional consultation.

What Will Learn to Lift Weights Teach Me?

Learn to Lift Weights and Workout on your own with LEONG Orthopaedic Health
LEONG Orthopaedic Health, Sylvia Leong

With Learn to Lift Weights, you’ll:

  • Improve your posture. Because proper posture is essential. On the whole, building muscle around poor posture will only cause pain.
  • Increase your mind-body connection, giving you more control over your musculature. As a result, maintaining strict form becomes more natural.
  • Hold your body correctly at the start of each exercise, throughout the movement, with full range of motion. Because performing exercises incorrectly causes injuries.
  • Breath properly. Inhaling during the eccentric phase and exhaling during the concentric phase of each repetition takes the pressure off the heart and prevents hemorrhoids. 
  • Address any dysfunctional movement patterns you may have then re-educate your body with more functional ways of moving.
  • Safely strengthen your ligaments, tendons, and bones alongside your muscles with the correct number of sets and reps, while increasing the resistance in increments.
  • Stretch safely and effectively using the correct amount of force.

It can be frustrating to hold proper posture and correct form, while moving through functional full range of motion and breathing properly … all at once. But by the 5th session, you’ll get pretty good at it!

Frequently Asked Questions About Learn to Lift Weights

Learn to Lift Weights and Workout on your own with LEONG Orthopaedic Health
LEONG Orthopaedic Health, Tony Leong
  • No gym membership required.
  • We’ll start with your complementary initial consultation. Ideally, schedule your consultation at the same time you choose for your weekly workout. That way, during the tour of the facility, you can assess the feel and busyness of the gym. We’ll also do a medical-history intake.
  • At the start, sessions can last up to 90 minutes. Once you get the hang of things, the sessions are usually between 60 and 75 minutes. 
  • Sessions include strengthening, stretching, posture correction, core strengthening, balance and fall prevention according to specific needs, as well as mobility using all the body’s muscle groups. What’s more, we focus on exercises that rehabilitate areas of injury.
  • If a physiotherapist’s, surgeon’s or other healthcare professional’s expertise is required for diagnosis, we will attend the appointment at NO CHARGE as this will help design the best program for you.

Your take-away workout can be programmed for:

  • Your own home using soup cans and water-filled milk jugs, or
  • Using purchased dumbbells, or
  • At a gym.

Your choice!

Does LEONG Orthopaedic Health Have a Philosophy?

LEONG Orthopaedic Health ’s personal training ideologies are successful because they’re based in healthcare (rather than athletics or esthetics). Because if you focus on health, athleticism and esthetics will naturally follow, without the disruption of injury or disease.

Firstly, we consider your lifestyle’s schedule and demands. Then armed with your goals, motivations, and medical history we’ll guide you through a personalized healthcare-based program that gets results, without causing inflammation or asking for more than you’re ready to give.

Your human body, unquestionably, enables you to have the experience of life. Therefore, health is paramount. When prescribing any exercise, we prioritize optimal health. As a result, exercises are purpose based and the benefits must outweigh the risks.

LEONG Orthopaedic Health is proud to work out of Level 10 Fitness.
LEONG Orthopaedic Health is proud to personal train at Level 10 Fitness.

The fee schedule for Learn to Lift Weights is $1500 (including GST) payable by e-transfer after your initial consultation.

Interested in booking a complementary consultation?

personal training

by appointment only. Please email:


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