The Real Food Lifestyle

Choose food with the most nutrients per calorie!

Notice the title says lifestyle instead of diet? That’s because healthy eating is a way of life!

I repeatedly hear from new clients, “I eat really well, but I can’t lose weight.” Then, with adjustments to their preconceived concepts about food and nutrition, they change their eating habits, and start shedding pounds.

We all want to be svelte, youthful, and healthy. But achieving that is becoming more of a mystery.


Please read the rest of this article on Sylvia’s blog: Cottage in the Sky.


click on a photo below to enjoy the article.

The Problem with Processed Food

You’ll have your own processed food “sins.” Just make sure to use a small amount, not very often, and that it’s worth it.


Meal Preparation for the Time Starved

Meal Prep for the Time Starved | The Easy Way
What if you could come home and quickly heat up a healthy, delicious, “from-scratch” meal?


– LEONG Orthopaedic Health

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