Personal Training

Active Rehabilitation, LEONG Orthopaedic Health
Active Rehabilitation, LEONG Orthopaedic Health

Personal Training is by appointment only.

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Whether you’re looking for:

  • Weight loss,
  • Nutritional advice,
  • Strength and conditioning,
  • Flexibility training,
  • Core training,
  • Balance and fall prevention,
  • Posture correction,

Or all of the above, we’re a husband and wife team, with 30+ years of combined experience, here to help you live a healthier, more robust life.

Tony and Sylvia are real people looking to help real people be their healthiest and live life to the fullest.

Tony and Sylvia Leong, LEONG Orthopaedic Health
Tony and Sylvia Leong, LEONG Orthopaedic Health

Life is about balance, so we take into consideration your current lifestyle, schedule and demands. Armed with your medical history, goals, and motivations, we’ll guide you through a healthcare based, personalized program that gets results, without asking more than you’re ready to give.

Get Fit While Remaining Injury Free!

  • No gym membership required.
  • Personal training sessions consist of weight training, stretching, posture correction, core strengthening, balance and fall prevention, and high intensity interval training (HIIT) — according to your specific needs.
  • Massage included as needed.
  • If a physiotherapist’s, surgeon’s or other healthcare professional’s expertise is required for diagnosis, we will attend the appointment with you at NO CHARGE. This will aid in designing the best program for you.
  • A Cardio Plan will be designed for you to do on your own.
  • Nutritional advice available.
  • Choose between once or twice per week personal training sessions.

Transform your Body with One Personal Training Session a Week:

Yes! That’s right! If you can complete your cardio on your own, why pay for more than one personal training session per week?

No Foolin’ Around FEE SCHEDULE

$110 per session (in ten session blocks payable up front).

LEONG Orthopaedic Health
LEONG Orthopaedic Health

The following articles will aid you in making effective and efficient exercise choices. Enjoy!

– LEONG Orthopaedic Health

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission. Copyright 2015.